Friday, September 23, 2011

Little Things

A couple nights ago we took our longboards to the newly paved parking lot near our house and rode around. I'm still learning how to longboard and even bought my own which is smaller and somewhat more of a skateboard. I suggest if you're interested at all try a super long and fairly wide longboard to start out on. It is a lot of fun especially when I'm with my sweet boy.

Please don't forget to enter my giveaway! I really want to have a second giveaway once I reach tell you're friends too! :) Also thanks for the shout out from DecoyBetty! So sweet! Have a great day!


  1. love the pics!
    <3 steffy

  2. I've never been longboarding. I'm too scared. Haha!

  3. I'm not into long boarding but a few of my guy friends are always on theirs. The cuts and scrapes they show up with sometimes from boarding are insane. I figure you have to have great balance to long board.
    Kudos for being able too!

  4. ah i've tried to skateboard a bunch of times but it always ends with me falling realllly hard. i guess it might be similar to snowboarding? i'd think it would be.. but i can do that.. sort of.. but i dont think there is any hope for the skateboard thing.. so sad.

  5. I've never done any kind of boarding! But always think skateboarders look pretty cool.

  6. i want to skateboard. :( ps: i just happened to fly by your blog and i wanted to let you know that it MIGHT be the cutest thing ever.

    just saying.

    love, rach.

  7. i used to skateboard and it was soo hard! but on brand new pavement it is the best!


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